Or maybe I should call this "
The Magic of the Santa Clause Threat". Yes, I know. She is only two and a half but she fully grasps the concept that this big jolly man in a red suit is going to come some night when she's sleeping and leave her a dolly. That's what she wants from the Big Man, a dolly. So I've learned something about this and it's so great that I had to share. I pick up our telephone about a half-dozen times a day threatening to call Santa. Yes, I know it's awful but it works. Dammit, I wish Christmas could last all year long. Here is a perfect example:
Me: "
Olivia did you just dump that bowl of dry cereal on the floor?"Olivia:
"yup"Me: "
Why?"Olivia: "
I don't know"Me: "
Well are you going to pick them up?"Olivia: "
No, mommy, I can't. I have to get my books."Me: "
Olivia, Santa's watching you do you want me to call him?"Olivia: "
No."Me: "
Well then you better pick up that cereal."Olivia: "
OH"Sometimes she'll argue a bit more about not picking up that cereal and then I pretend to dial Santa on the phone and she flips out yelling "
Don't Call Santa! Don't Call Santa!" After that she usually does what I ask. I'm telling you girls...I wish this could last all year long....better yet, I wish this would work on Jack but I'm pretty sure he gets what Santa is really about. He pretty much told me that he knows we're Santa but will not dare say that again for fear that maybe he's right and once we know that he knows the 'jig will be up' as some say and the presents stop!!