It's been a while since I've written anything about you Olivia. It is now June 16th, and it's five minutes to midnight. Daddy is away for the night and I had a much needed nap when you went to bed....kicking and screaming I might add. You're teething these days and right now you have what looks like about six teeth coming in. Bed time is a challenge. Your gums are hurting and my GOSH I wish there was something I can do to take the pain away. It takes anywhere from one to two and a half-hours to get you to settle for the night these days. You go down fine and just when I think you're asleep I hear you upstairs in your crib. On a normal, non-teething night you may be up there talking to yourself in your mirror, but not you just scream....UH UUUHHHHH!!!! UGGHHHHH!!!!! Me and Daddy have been averaging about three or four trips into your room a night to comfort you. I'm not normally one to endorse medicating children but thank heaven's for tylenol. I should be wise now and give it to you about an hour before you go to bed. I love you sweetie and I hope these teeth come in real soon so your pain goes away.
Anyways, this post was supposed to be just short and sweet. I wanted to show how much you've grown since last year. Here you are exactly one year ago today in your cousin Becca and Mitchell's pool on Aunt Annette's deck:

And here you were last week in the backyard. You're such a big girl now! You love this swing!