Livi, today Daddy had a slow day at work so he was able to spend some time with you, me & Jack....yippee, spending time with Daddy on a workday is fun!!! We hung around the house most of the morning, you napped, Jack played, Daddy did paperwork and Mommy cleaned the car. We went downtown for lunch and ate on the waterfront. Boy, there sure was lots to look at down there. You were so good in your stroller. You did get to run around a little bit too, but there were quite a lot of people around. Maybe I need to get you a leash? Just kidding!! After lunch you & Jack played a bit on the playground ship thingy down there and then we went to COWS for an ice-cream. You didn't get one....sorry kiddo. You were wearing a nice white t-shirt so Jack let you have a couple licks of his. You really enjoyed the waterfront today. I think we'll definitely have to go back!!! Here's a few pics:
You and Jack, sitting on the picnic table after lunch:
Livi, you are starting to get sassy with Momma and she's not too proud of that trait!! Last night we were out on the deck and you kept on ripping flowers off Mommy's plant. I kept saying "Livi No!" "Livi No!" and you would just look at me with your hand kind of hovering above the plant and the second I would stand up you would rip off a flower and take off. We did this about five times. The last time I said "Livi No!" I stood up and do you want to know what you did? You ripped the flower and took off saying "Livi No!!" - I think you're gonna be a handfull!!!
.....actually, this t-shirt is not crummy. This t-shirt is not yours either. Aunt Jam brought this back for Jack but you were so darned and determined to put this on that I had to let you wear it around the house for a while just to make you happy. Aren't you cute?
Actually, Aunt Jam brought you back the cutest outfit and bathing suit...wouldn't you know the weather isn't that nice today so you won't be wearing either!!!