Gosh...I could just eat him with a spoon!!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Livi & Maddox
This is Livi's cousin Maddox. She loves him to death. Seriously, she dotes on him. Always hanging around him waiting for him to spit out his sookie so she can put it in his mouth. Always kissing him. They're too cute together I just had to blog them!!

Gosh...I could just eat him with a spoon!!

Gosh...I could just eat him with a spoon!!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Best Friends For Life?
Gosh I hope they turn out to be best friends. Olivia and Brooklynn BFFL!! Sometimes they just love love love each other. Sometimes I'm not so sure. The other morning Brookie came over for a few hours before Livi was even out of bed. Livi woke up because I'm pretty sure she heard Brooklynn. We could hear Olivia yelling "BROOOOOOKKKLYNNNNNN........ BROOOOOOKKKKLYNNNNN! So Brookie and I went upstairs to get Livi out of bed. Well, she was beside herself the second Brookie went in her room. I mean Beside. Herself. Didn't want her touching anything that was hers. This is going to be a fun morning. We go downstairs and the girls are playing nicely.

Whew. playing nicely I thought. I get them some breakfast and that went okay for about a second. Here they are while all was good eating toast and bananas:

This is Brookynn. Aint she cheeky lookin'?

There were a few moments like this. She's having a fit...but won't take her eyes off Brooklynn.

All in all the girls get along really well. It's when they haven't seen each other in a while that this happens. Olivia gets very territorial and she had a few timeouts that morning.
The end.
Whew. playing nicely I thought. I get them some breakfast and that went okay for about a second. Here they are while all was good eating toast and bananas:
This is Brookynn. Aint she cheeky lookin'?
There were a few moments like this. She's having a fit...but won't take her eyes off Brooklynn.
All in all the girls get along really well. It's when they haven't seen each other in a while that this happens. Olivia gets very territorial and she had a few timeouts that morning.
The end.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Puh-lease stop growing
Livi, you're getting to be such a big-little girl. I mean, COME ON you're now sleeping in a toddler-bed. I was ready for this. Really, I could have sworn I was ready for you to move out of the crib. Daddy and Uncle Walter set up your big-girl bed on Saturday and you slept like a trooper. Well, except for when Sebastian was running up the stairs and you opened your bedroom door to see 'what was up' - who knew you could open the door? Not me thats for sure. Anyways, you went straight back to bed and slept until 8:50 Sunday morning. I was so upset that you weren't in your crib anymore. I asked your Daddy "Do you think she's ready to sleep in that bed?" and he replied with "SHE'S ready....I'm not so sure YOU are though!" - He was totally right. I was pretty emotional. I mean, MY GOSH you're outta the crib. This morning you woke up, opened your door and came running into Mommy and Daddy's room! I don't think I'm ready for this! Really, I'm not so sure anymore.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Happy New Year!!!!!
Well another year over and another Christmas has passed us by. Olivia, you and your brother sooo cleaned up this year. All that behaving must have paid off. Now, listen kiddo.....you have to be good ALL YEAR if you want Santa to come again this year. Remember....he's always watching....so....You better watch out, you better not cry.....you'll get to know the rest - trust me!!
Aren't you pretty posing under the tree in your new bathrobe from Auntie Lindsey:

You love this new kitchen. I think you'll have tons of fun playing house with your best bud Brookie:

THIS art table is a big hit:

Aren't you pretty posing under the tree in your new bathrobe from Auntie Lindsey:
You love this new kitchen. I think you'll have tons of fun playing house with your best bud Brookie:
THIS art table is a big hit:
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