Ok..Ok Marita. I got it. So, I've been tagged by my girl Marita
www.akaltermamaego.blogspot.com to list 6 materialistic things I want, can't be humanitarian, like World Peace. So here goes:
1. A fabulous pair of tall black PRADA boots
2. A week away with Bud, someplace sunny
3. A new pair of jeans (maybe the new Paige jeans Beth was blogging about)
4. To lose a good 20 pounds (I'm with you Marita...is that fair? is that materialistic of just vanity?)
5. To have our yard professionally landscaped (I can DREAM right?)
6. A Louis Vuitton bag (not a fake one! ha!)
Ok...so it's my turn to tag somebody right? Ok - how about Jody (