...well, not a baby anymore. I can't believe how a few snips of the scissors and you don't look like a baby anymore. I had this cute little rhinestone barrett in your hair when I took you to the hairdressers to hold back those crazy long bangs of yours. Gosh, you sat stiller than a deer with it's head caught in headlights. You watched every single move she made. You were such a good girl. I picked up your hair from the floor and put it in an envelope. It took no more than five minutes I think. We walked out of the salon, I went down the hall a bit and took that barrett out and tried to get enough bangs to get that barrett back in. I got it in.....but it just looks different now. I can't even explain. I think I could cry. I wish I could turn the clock back 10 hours because I'm not so sure I was ready for this.
Before the tramautic (for me) haircut:

The new, older Olivia:
We just went through the first haircut experience last week. It was definitely difficult to see our little girl grow up right before our eyes!
Oh my gosh, she does look so much older. Still has those eyelashes to die for. She is such a cutie.
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