Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Potty Training 101

So we're in the middle of potty-training fun. It's going pretty good at home but she's terrified of the toilet. She will only sit on the potty and she won't poop in it either. Did I say it's going pretty good? Anyways, we went out yesterday and I forgot to bring pull-ups and she pooped in the one she had on. So I took it off and said, "Oh're just going to have to use the big-girl potty today". Fast forward to about an hour and a half later and we're in Home Depot and she tells me she has to go potty. I thought, WOW - this is going good. We ran through the store to the bathroom and all she sees are big toilets and she completely FA-LIPS out. No way will she go on it. I thought 'well crap! what am I going to do?' - I pull up her pants and go out to the store and told her if she has to pee we'll have to go back to the bathroom and she said "I no wanna pee Mommy". Fine, whatever right? We're in the aisle looking at pot-lights for our kitchen and she's yells, I POPPED! I POOPED! I look down and she's peeing right on the floor. Proud as a freaking peacock at the puddle on the floorl. I was mortified and Bud & I kinda looked at each other and laughed. I went to a guy working and said, we're potty training and my daughter had a little accident on the floor. He just pointed to another guy and said "Tell him". We couldn't get anybody to help us with our lights so we then took Livi and walked out the store. Poor thing peed all over herself. Note to self: Don't leave the house without a pull-up EVER again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG. I'm mortified on your behalf!! The joys of having a toddler!!